Firefighter Aptitude Practice Test

Our firefighter aptitude practice test includes a host of categories you can expect to see in your firefighter exam including mathematical, mechanical, judgment, observation, personality tests and more.

When you sit down for your firefighter exam, you will be thankful you took the time to prepare by taking advantage of our firefighter aptitude practice test as you make your way through the multiple choice and true/false answers.

The test is aimed to assess a candidate's ability in an emergency, determining their problem solving skills and their decision making abilities.

What We Include

Preparation is key to achieving the highest scores in your written exam. We provide you with a host of skills, strategies and techniques to help you get the best results on the day. We offer a number of memory aids, strategies to help you answer your firefighter judgment questions and further strategies to help you with your reading comprehension test.

We also give you the test taking strategies you need to prepare for your exam to ensure high scores and help you increase your chances of securing a job in the firefighting industry.

A Few Sample Questions You Can Expect

Question: Of the types of saws listed, which is not an electrical powered saw?

A.        Hack saw
B.        Jigsaw
C.        Band saw
D.        Chainsaw

Question: Firefighters doing a fire inspection on a building is approached by the owner who says “This building is safe. Why don't you fellas same sometime and finish this thing now?” What is the most likely reason for the owner's statement?

A.        There are code violations that he does not want discovered
B.        He values the fire service and does not want to waste the fire fighters time
C.        He knows the building is safe because he owns it
D.        The owner is a big donator to the fireman's ball and is looking for some free tickets

Order Your Home Study Course Now

If you want a fulfilling career in the firefighting industry then you have to get the highest scores in your firefighter exams. Our home study course has a proven track record and can help you achieve these results. Buy now and start preparing for your exam.